Sergeant At Arms Weekly Check List House Name * Shorebrook Fabio Spotswood Homestead Deal Tappan Holmdel Dewitt Name * First Name Last Name Date MM DD YYYY Type Initial Next To All Completed Tasks Naloxone/Narcan on house premise, Not expired, and in designated location * Fire extinguishers in designated location and are charged * Smoke/Other detectors are operational & in their place/mounted properly * First aid kit is in correct location and has basic supplies * Reviewed Naloxone/Narcan use & location with each new member * Reviewed Naloxone/Narcan use & location with each new member * Encouraged/Enforced at house meeting "One person speaks at a time" * Coordinated with the Chore Coordinator to discuss any house supplies needed and to fill out a House Supplies Order Form on Member Portal. * Make Sure All/Any postings are posted clearly in the house * Informed the house what supplies you will be submitted on order form for house to review. * Checked for any unsafe/broken house issues and reported it to the house at house meeting, Confirm Secretary notes on any said issues are correct * Notes Thank you!